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The Warriors Community Foundation is dedicated to making a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of underserved youth in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Over $30 Million Invested in the Community

Specifically, the Foundation strives to improve educational outcomes among children in Alameda and San Francisco Counties.

Since its inception in 2012, the Warriors Community Foundation has delivered more than $30 million in impact, highlighted by direct grants addressing educational equity, over 90 renovated basketball courts in low income communities around the Bay Area, and thousands of donated tickets each season to local schools and nonprofits.

It is sustained by generous contributions from Warriors owners, players, partners and fans. For more information please visit

Warriors Community Foundation Tax ID: 45-4001645

Join The Team. Make An Impact.

Whitney leaning against a railing on a downtown street

Specifically, the Foundation strives to improve educational outcomes among children in Alameda and San Francisco Counties.

The Bay Area continues to face unprecedented challenges and the pandemic put a spotlight on inequities that have existed for decades. As a Sixth Fan member, your monthly donations will go toward vital tools and resources for grantees of the Warriors Community Foundation focused in the areas of STEM education, elementary literacy, college access and other youth development programs. Your sustained support allows our nonprofit partner organizations to enrich the educational experience of students in both San Francisco and Alameda counties.