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Brittni Chicuata

October 9, 2022

Brittni Chicuata (she/her) serves as Director of Economic Rights at the San Francisco Human Rights Commission. In this capacity, she uplifts and fights for economic justice policy advancement through an anti-racism, anti-discrimination, and accessibility approach. This year, Brittni spearheaded the creation of the Free Minds Therapy Program – an investment in mental health access for Black people in San Francisco to address mental health services gaps and cultural stigma. This was created in collaboration with Mayor Breed’s Dream Keeper Initiative. Brittni is a lifelong anti-poverty advocate, with a particular fire in her belly for reproductive justice and security. Brittni has worked as a policymaker in public health, cannabis, criminal justice, food access, and birth justice over the last decade, co-writing and co-leading successful campaigns with tangible impact locally and nationally. Brittni is focused on helping realize the social and health needs of the most vulnerable communities and currently does that by expanding the work of government to make radical investments towards a more equitable society.