Staff Sgt Daniel Pierce is a dedicated Airman who has volunteered over 300 hours to community service while stationed at Travis Air Force Base. He led a Back-to School drive for the Vacaville Boys and Girls Club that raised $1.1K of materials for over 50 students, as well as served as a tutor for the organization. He also led an effort to spearhead Toys for Tots donations and deliver to children in need. He has donated his time to Veterans causes, participated in the Adopt a Street Program, and volunteered as a youth baseball coach for the Travis Child Development Center. As a member of the African American Association, he participated in an event to educate over 100 Fairfield High School students on the history of Juneteenth. And finally, in an effort to support his fellow Airmen, he has mentored 10 members on how to obtain finance aid, resulting in their college enrollment and completion of 30 credit hours. His contributions to the local and base community make him a true Impact Warrior.